Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Invite employee to Partner Account

3. Invite employee to client account(s) on Practice Edition

3.1 Invite to one client at a time

3.2 Invite to all clients in bulk

1. Introduction

If you have a client account on a Practice Edition subscription, you do not have access to the 'Manage users' menu on the client account. To invite any employees of your practice into these client accounts, you will need to make sure that they are users on your Partner Account and then use our invite tool in the Partner Module.  

2. Invite employee to Partner Account

To begin, you will need to invite your employee in to your Partner Account as a user. If you have done this already you can skip to section 3.

Login to your Partner account, to do this, click on the Accounts drop down and select 'Go to my practice'.

Next, head to the Home>Manage Users menu.

Click on the Invite users button. 

Fill in the details of the invite form.


The role determines the access your employee will have to your own Partner Account. You can select one of our predefined roles or you can create a new role.

Click on the Invite user button at the bottom to complete. Your employee will now receive an email with their Clear Books credentials.

3. Invite employee to client account(s) on Practice Edition

You can now begin inviting the new employee in to any client accounts with a Practice Edition subscription or indeed any other clients on a Small/Medium/Large subscription.

Click on the Partner module in the top menu bar.

Head to the Clients > Users menu.

Select the employee in the table at the top. This will trigger a new table to show all client accounts in rows and the different roles available to use in each column.

3.1 Invite to one client at a time

Click on the tick that aligns with the client (row) and the role (column) that you would like your employee to access. The role detemines the permissions the user has on the selected client. You can add more roles on the Home>Manage Users menu of the Partner Account.

The tick will turn green to confirm their access.

3.2 Invite to all clients in bulk

To invite the employee into all client accounts click on the Green person icon under the N/A column. This will turn all the ticks green in the Employee(predefined column).

Use the 'Assign to all' link at the top of the column to assign the employee to another role in bulk.