This process will involve exporting a list of your invoices into a CSV file from Clear Books. You may then have to make a few simple manipulations and additions to this file in a spreadsheet and import this updated file using our payments payment import tool. 

This process works best if you would like to pay the full outstanding amount of the invoice on either the invoice date or due date, as the exported file will contain this data.

This demonstration shows how to process this for sales invoices, however, you can run the same process for purchases by exporting the purchase ledger and using the bill payments import tool.

Step 1. 

Navigate to Tools > Export

Step 2. 

Select a reporting period or date range. Select the Sales Ledger report in the Data type drop down list and tick the checkbox to Download File.

Step 3.

Open the file in a spreadsheet, highlight all the columns and sort the status column in ascending order. Keep all invoices with the approved status (unpaid invoices) and remove all rows with any other status.

Please note, the full invoice/bill number is in the last column (Column T for sales invoices, Column U for bills).

Step 4.

Once the spreadsheet is manipulated to show only approved (unpaid) invoices, you can skip to Step 5, however, if you want to further tidy up the spreadsheet to shown only appropriate data, you can proceed with Step 4. 

Remove any unnecessary columns, leaving invoice number, invoice date (optional - if the payment date is the same as the invoice date), invoice due date (optional if the payment date is the same as the invoice due date) and outstanding amount.

If the payment date is different to either the invoice date or invoice due date, you will need to add a new column (and remove the invoice date/due date columns) and add the dates manually. If the payment is different to the outstanding amount of the invoice you will also need to adjust the outstanding column as appropriate.

Step 5.

Now head back to Tools > Import > Overview in Clear Books and select the CSV Import link

Step 6.


Click on the Sale Payments import tool link.

Step 7.

Select the appropriate bank account you would like these payments to effect in the drop down box provided

Step 8.

Drag your file or click on the designated area.

Step 9.

Map the columns from your file to the appropriate data fields within Clear Books. The required fields are invoice number, bank date and bank amount. Ignore any columns you do not need to import.

Click on the Import button at the bottom.

Step 10.

Confirm the import. Please remember that the mapping as shown in Step 9 will now be saved. You must make sure to use the same format for future payment imports, or alternatively, delete the payment import mapping before your next payment import. Deleting the mapping will allow you to repeat Step 9.